More Dramatic Than it Looks

The St Jude's Storm (or whatever it's called) showed up here at about 6am in the form of really, really, really strong winds. It had died down by 8am and was a brilliantly sunny day.

The radio and TV seemed to give itself over entirely to talking about the weather. My favourite part was an insanely irate woman calling Radio 2 to declare that Michael Fish 'should hang his head in shame' for recommending people delay their usual journey by 'an hour or two' when presenting the weather the night before. She completely lost her temper, and Michael Fish - who was also on the line - responded with a sort of vague disinterest which I found hilarious and made her go even more bonkers.

Spent the day pottering about with the children. In the afternoon we watched the Scooby Doo movie. Al loves Scooby Doo.

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