horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

I Choose Love

Good things that happened today:

Drumming class was superb, great fun, and feels like it's coming together;
Neighbour's daughter's pup, that got spooked by some fireworks last night and bolted, was found safe and well at 7.30 this morning. I'd gone out to help try and find it for an hour. At 1am they were still wandering the streets. Not only is the dog small (a miniature dachshund) but black, so in the dark of the night it was somewhat difficult, but walking back from the drumming one of the family was out walking him and said they'd got a call at 7.30 that he'd been seen at the very far end of the street, about 400 yards away, and over a main road. Poor wee mite, but safe and sound now.

Which all almost made up for the bad stuff on the day. But I'm dwelling on the good.

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