It turned out to be a day inside

Enjoyed a large chunk of BBC Autumnwatch Extra during the day but didn't see the 8:00 programme - watching a dull football match with Dad.

Euan McIlwraith mentioned visiting Glengorm castle on the Isle of Mull and hearing about their Wildlife. It brought back memories of a holiday at the castle during a very hot mid summer. It seemed to barely get dark and I remember being up late at night watching ships passing and the flashing of the lighthouses on or just over the horizon on the Outer Hebrides.

Found his story on this Radio Scotland podcast ( isn't technology wonderful)

I took no photos at all today but saw lots of other peoples photos and videos for a change. Richard Taylor-Jones is also a real tonic, an unpretentious , highly skilled photographer sharing his knowledge. It was fascinating to see his unedited work but more so as he explained some of his decisions of when to go close and how certain parts were to give editors an end point for a sequence.

I'll be watching again in the morning

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