LA9 to CA95010 and back..

By LA9toCA95010


After brunch yesterday, we went to the "Welcome Back to the Butterflies" at Natural Bridges State Park.

Over on the western edge of Santa Cruz, is a beach with a grove of eucalyptus trees which hosts overwintering Monarch butterflies. They are amazing - they travel thousands of miles on their migrations, but the whole journey spans more than one generation. It seems like a mystery how one set of butterflies knows where to go, when they are too young to have come from there originally.

On the other hand, they may just be following the warmer weather. I bet even a butterfly can figure that out.

I speak as one who has just booked a week in Kauai in January.

(oh...and these are not the real butterflies. In case anyone was wondering how they fly with those coathangers attached.)

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