Today's blip was taken in very poor light....I think I woke this little squirrel up it was so early. We're off to York shortly as Lucy has an interview at the uni.

Thank you so much to everyone who left comments on my 730 celebratory blip yesterday. I was truly overwhelmed by your kind words and the number of stars and hearts you gave so generously.

After a great deal of soul-searching I have decided to take a break from blip (those of you who have followed my journal from the beginning will know I said the same thing at this time last year) but I really do need to focus on other things for a while.

In the meantime I want to thank you all for your friendship. I feel I 'know' many of you almost as well as my 'real' friends and you have enriched my life greatly over the last couple of years. I will still pop in to have a peek at your journals even though I won't be commenting every day.

Take care

Liz xxxx

For anyone wanting to stay in touch my email is

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