
By cracker

Happy kids!

Yesterday Kaz and I went to see a mortgage broker then bought a desk for the office on the way home! We are getting a second desk so I can work in the office instead of being at the kitchen table and having to clear everything off and seeing all the house stuff I could be doing!

We went to put it together this morning but the top of the desk had one corner smashed in like it had been dropped. It was very disappointing!

I had Leo and Joti for the day and this morning we went over to Tracey's house because it was her birthday! We ended up staying there for a while and the kids played with Emily while Tracey and I chatted!

After school we waited for Kaz to get home then all went over to Tracey's and we cooked her pizzas for her birthday tea! The kids had fun playing together and we had a great time!

Here are Leo and Joti looking at themselves!!

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