A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

All Hallows' 'een

One Street 22
This is our local pub and as I passed today I was surprised to see these pumpkin lanterns outside. Yes I know today is Halloween but I've never seen the like of this at the pub!

The poster in the window says - Welcome Trick or Treaters!

I'm not a great fan of the Americanisation of this festival but I admit I always buy something in case some of our friends' children drop by.

I do like the inset lantern spelling out the name Fleece.

In Yorkshire the tradition used to be to make a lantern from a turnip and then you would use it to light your way to the fire on bonfire night (5th November - for non UK folks) and it could be used to light your Sparklers with. Always practical we Yorkshire folk!

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