New Cestrian

By BHPPhoto

It's The Yoof of Today Innit

This mode of transport, down in Sin City at least, is on it's last legs/wheels as far as so called able-bodied people are concerned. The Ayuntamiento are putting through a new bye-law that will ban the able-bodied from hiring these scooters. The obvious question is what is a disability and how will they test for it in the rental shops? What if you're just obese or walk with a slight limp or even have a finger missing? Does enjoying the music of Phil Collins or indeed anyone who has appeared on The X Factor count as a disability? It bloody well should do. Maybe just being too lazy to walk is enough to get your ignition keys. Will prospective users need to pass some sort of immobility test? I'm not being flippant, there are many people with genuine mobility issues and these scooters are a fantastic way for them to get around but I'm just not so sure how a ban like this will be implemented. I'm able bodied and drive a two wheeled scooter so one more wheel and I'm banned!

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