Life with K.C.


Punch and Judy at village fair...

The village next to our's had their village fair today so we went along. Lots of classic English stalls & things to do - wang the wellies, coconut shy, tombolla, bouncy castle, ice creams, cream teas, beer tent, ...

There was a Punch & Judy show for the children. It's the most politically incorrect show for children & they love it! For those who don't the story. Punch & his wife Judy are the stars. Punch was naughty & was throwing the baby up in the air & then he throws the baby down the cellar. A crocodile comes along & tries to eat Punch. Then a policeman comes along & hits the crocodile & throws him down the cellar, rescues the baby and puts Punch in to jail. There's another story where Punch hits Judy..... Anyway my 3 loved it!

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