
By cateycat

Ancient history

Attempting to recreate the past is wrong and often never works, well that's how I see it. Here we have a classic attempt to show the disastrous years of friendship just because of the sentimental realisation that it's our last year together. My friendship with these people has been nothing short of difficult and typical me I want to hold onto all the worthwhile parts of those crappy friends of which there are few.

On another note I think we can all agree that this years photographer was the worst we've ever had, in addition to the majority of the school looking like a bunch on weary eyed stoners she also made that two awkwardly touch me. When shown to a group of teenage boys they exclaimed "why are they touching you like that!" And that 'it looked like the beginnings to a lesbian porno.' Well if that's true, it doesn't look like any of us are going to enjoy it.

Cate x

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