Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Korma with a chance of milkshakes

Not a combination I've ever come across before.

I was looking for something to eat and saw this place but quickly realised that the pile of bricks, a wheelbarrow and some chunky looking power tools were not normal chef's equipment and that the place was only just now being readied for culinary glory. The proprietor emerged, suspicious of my camera (perhaps taking me for an arch rival, the proprietor of the fried fish and green tea emporium); but he quickly realised that a man with a beanie hat and a Hufflepuff scarf was not to be taken seriously and told me that he hoped to open in a week. Or two. He wasn't really sure. From which I deduced that he was not a hard driven businessman, more a middle aged Asian man with a concept.

Let's hope Leatherhead is ready for it.

I bought some French bread, cheese and a bag of chips and had a brie and chip  sandwich. Lovely.

Otherwise an uneventful day. Sadly.

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