The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

For fox sake ..

A really grim day today .. a day of much grumpiness.

Firstly I rang the Mouth and Foot painters to give them what for - they have the most despicable selling technique. Yesterday mum opened a big fat envelope, which was stuffed full of unsolicited Christmas cards, and a bill, and a list of other stuff to buy .. there was also a note to say that if you didn't want to buy the cards, don't return them.

What flipping emotional blackmail! And how many elderly and befuddled people would just send the money for these things, either assuming they must have ordered them, or because they feel guilt tripped into paying for them.

My anger at this increased enormously when I Googled and discovered the Mouth and Foot Painters aren't even a flaming charity - it's a business! So I have sent a 'Disgusted of Hull' letter about them, to Watchdog.

Then I had what must be the seventh phone call from a weight loss set up I was on and signed myself off from, desperately trying to get me to go and see them, because they can tick a box if I just go one more time .. even though I have endlessly told them I have not lost weight and it's a waste of my and their time ..

Grump, grump, grump ..

Mum has recently tried to sleep in three different bedrooms and each one has unsettled her .. I have tried and tried to make them 'right' for her .. but the fact is, any problems are in her head, so I can't possibly make things right.

A friend of mine works for the Alzheimer's Society and thought mum may have Dementia with Lewy Bodies .. which fits in with an awful lot of her symptoms .. I rang her GP and he Googled (!!) and agreed that it looked right, and said he was happy to send her back to the psychiatrist for further tests.

There isn't a cure for it - but her current medication will need to be changed ..

So, another fox as I have nothing else to offer ..

Sorry for a long whinging post and a second rate photo, but that's the sort of day it's been ..

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