Trick or Treeeeeat!!

The children love Halloween, dressing up, carving pumpkins, getting sweets!!!

Colin hates it, he doesn't like that the children go out "begging" for sweets, he's a bit of a grump ;)

The babies all came back with a carrier bag full of sweets, we had to stop and dispense their little tote bags into carrier bags as they were full... Colin is now "Daddy Taxing" the children's "begging" haul!!

The oddest of doors knocked was one man that had a pumpkin outside (We only knock on houses with a lit pumpkin outside) and instead of giving the children sweets he let them stroke his tortoise!!???!

A fab crafty day with friends then grilled halloumi for dinner. I so want to love halloumi, and I do pretty much love everything about it BUT, it squeaks and I can't get my head around that... Am I doing something wrong to it?!

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