
Oh - the best laid schemes o' mice and men......

This evening No 1 was taken to dancing, No 3 to a friends house for a Halloween Party (parents of twins and they REALLY got into the mood!), No 2 was skiing and then Gymnastics.

Mr S was working late, and after chauffering everyone around, I was due back at the twins house for a glass of wine.

However, on her last run on the dry ski slope...No 2 succumbed to 'Hillend thumb' , i.e. a well known injury caused after a fall and catching your thumb in the dry ski mat.

2 hours at A & E and she had it confirmed. She has broken her Trapezium (base of thumb) and chipped a bone in her thumb.

So - no skiing, swimming, gymnastics for 6 weeks. She asked if she could be excused from tidying her room.....

.....nah !

I'm no soft touch !

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