
By Fido

Edinburgh Zoo

We all went to the Zoo today, the zoo today, the zoo today!

Iain and his dad both took the day off work today and joined us girls and the little boys for a special trip to Edinburgh Zoo.

Yes we saw the pandas, (well one of them - Yang Guarg was a bit under the weather and so was off limits, but Tian Tian was back in fine health, despite her recent miscarriage and was wandering around her enclosure quite the thing), but in my opinion the koalas were much more interesting and they have a baby joey - the first in the UK! - which is still currently tucked inside Alinga's pouch and while movement inside the pouch can quite often be seen, a glimpse of the joey itself has only been caught by a few people, myself and my father - in - law included. The baby is expected to climb out of the pouch and onto Alinga's stomach sometime in early November. After a month or so it will then climb onto it's mother's back and at that time keepers will be able to weigh, sex and name it.

It was a fantastic day all in all, made even more special by the beautiful blue skies and autumnal colours all around.

I took loads of photos, but Rockie was my favourite.

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