Something I dislike

This has got to be on the top of my list of dislikes! I was cleaning in the bathroom this morning and thinking "what do I dislike most?" When this black hairy Spider climbed up the plug hole and settled in the bath!!! Yuk..
He is the common HOUSE or sometimes called the WINDOW SPIDER she is none venomous, but seriously! this black hairy thing doesn't need to be venomous!! if it hadn't been for blipfoto and the challenge topic I wouldn't have hung around longer than a heart beat, I certainly wouldn't have plucked up enough courage to blip it!

we have much nastier spiders than this, the RED BACK is a highly venomous spider, looking much as his name suggests all black with a vivid red stripe down his back, you don't mess with this guy! I've seen a few of these mainly outdoors, no deaths have been recorded thankfully and the anti venom has been around since 1956.

THE HUNTSMAN: his leg span can measure up to 250-300mm or 10-12"inches, where he is venomous to other spiders he is not so to humans but you would be in pain for a few hours after a bite from her! They can also be found in southern America also Florida too, they say she is a helpful spider as she kills the cockroaches and other bugs....

Then there is the daddy of all spiders!! The FUNNEL WEB: there are none in Western Australia, they're mostly in the Eastern States and Southern Australia, she is on the worlds deadliest list of spiders, the window or black house spider sometimes gets mistaken for the funnel web they spin a similar tubular web, we have a couple of tubular webs in the window of our garage, lovely to look at actually, I'm speaking of the work in her web, not the actual spider!
Thats it about what I dislike the most, I need to move on, and remove the plug from the plug hole and send the black hairy "thing" back down the drain! And finish the bathroom....

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