
By AndyS1972

Enjoy your Vintage Rolleiflex Automat 3.5F TLR

I don't know how this happened. As explained in my blip of yesterday, I had previously been outbid on this camera which was on sale at a popular auction site.

Anyway, I can only assume that someone dropped out of the auction for whatever reason and so I ended up winning this Rolleiflex Automat 4 75mm f3.5,
after purchasing yesterdays blip from the shop. (still with me?).

I decided that the best course of approach was to run a film or two through the pair and then choose which one to keep, or more than likely just keep both..... :-)

Anyhoo, they have both now arrived and I must say that even though this example is a few years older it is in better condition than the other. Currently loaded with Ilford Delta 400 I shall post the results when I get chance.

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