Nightmare on Hallowe'en

Orla loves Hallowe'en and has been looking forward to it for months. She was planning a party, and even though we weren't actually going to have a party we were going to have decorations, make spooky biscuits and go out guising. But at 3.30am in the morning I woke up with a terrible headache. Without going into all the gory details, let's just say that the symptoms of a norovirus infection then ravaged me until mid-afternoon. I was fit for nothing and basically stayed in bed until this morning. So Ed had to deal with Orla and Conor on his own. Conor hadn't had a sleep in the afternoon and all he did was shout. Orla of course wanted to do all the Hallowe'en activities we had planned, but Conor's constant squealing put paid to that. So she was a bit sad. She had even made a sign to hang on the front door saying "Orla's Hallowe'en Party" with a picture of her, a bat and two ghosts on it. We didn't get any guisers for ages, then when they did come, Ed was putting Conor to bed and couldn't answer the door. This was the last straw for Orla and she started to cry. 

I promised her a party on Saturday to make up for it, but we may decide instead just to forget about Hallowe'en for this year and concentrate on Guy Fawkes Night instead.

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