Sweet Child of Mine

By skip176

Grumpy Face

Dared to spend 8 hours in the car with the girls again. The first half of the journey was a dream. The girls were in a great mood. They were happy with the movies they were watching on their DVD players and they were enjoying their snacks I had packed.

Half way through Elizabeth fell asleep. Normally I try to stop them napping in the car, but on long journeys it's allowed. I know what it's like. If you fall asleep it considerably shortens the journey! However, at the moment Elizabeth fell asleep, Rebecca's movie ended and she wanted a new film on. I knew Elizabeth would wake if we stopped so I tried to drag it out as long as I could.

When I did finally stop, I realised I had forgotten out lunch! I hate stopping to buy food because it ends up being about an hour stop. So I decided to just push on and they could have a decent meal when they arrived.

The last part of the journey was full of "how long til we get there", and Elizabeth taking her arms out of her strap then unclipping the strap completely. So a tad annoying!

We finally got there and the girls had a fab time running around grandma's living room and entertaining Jessica. When Jessica (and Janis and Paul) left, it was about 10 minutes til Robert (and Katie) arrived. So lots more running around and dancing!

We survived!

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