Big Hill

By bighill

Perfect Balance....

Today has been one of those perfectly balanced days.... started off with wonderful friends, Scott and Racheal, arriving for a visit and a morning meditation...which i've discovered is really just the bioproduct of a wonderful social for about 2 hours, sit and meditate for about 45 minutes, then more chatting and eating.....i made zuccini muffins which were pretty good.... more visiting until mid afternoon.

Then some productivity....terry doing electrical work in the barn - me, harvesting swiss chard and zuccini from the garden....then, late afternoon, as the sun is getting to that lovely low point, blipping around in the garden!

Dinner of fresh veggies and chicken.....

good music and i have to confess, my total indulgence, dancing along with the a few glasses of wine....

Total balance of a day!!!!

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