Racial profiling
Now, my wife's first name is De'Shaun. Not your typical American name, especially if you are Caucasian. Infact it's a very common male African American name and is spelt in many various guises - Deshawn, Deshaun, De'Shaun etc etc. There are many NFL players called this. When she communicates via email (and to a lesser extent via phone for obvious reasons) people are shocked when a blonde-haired white (almost albino) girl walks through the door.
A while back we received this magazine through the mail. There was much laughter at the thought of the distributors going through the phone book to identify suitable readers. Perhaps we should let them know their error? Or perhaps not....
Got an email asking for more info on an application for a medical device entry level sales rep today. More
Information on how I am not qualified for the role I'm assuming. However I did also get an email from a life sciences sales company to set up a phone interview next week. This seems more promising. Add to that the wife sending in my resume to her company for entry level clinical research associate positions.
All needed as today I found out that despite 2 yrs experience as a postdoc now, I am making $200 less a month (now I am paying taxes) than last year. And a paltry amount compared to a similar job in the UK and not much more than my phd. Yes I get to life out here, but I don't get to enjoy it as much as I would like.....
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