Collecting Moments

By AudreyJ

Saturday Morning Walk

I've been so bad in commenting recently, it's a wonder I even have time to put on a picture at all. It will get better, I hope.

This morning was a brisk, (because it was so cold) walk to Aiden's ballet lesson, we then decided to take the scenic route and walked along side the river, however, next week we will most certainly be taking another route, because we counted seeing 7 rats!! Anyone that knows me will know I have a huge fear of rodents, so this was not a fun walk along here at all ...............we made as much noise as possible without being done for disturbing the peace and stamped our feet as hard as possible while running along to the end, we were on our nerves and just about jumped out of our skin when two Jack-Russel dogs appeared in front of us, and the owner said something or another about 'a fox' (didn't hear the whole thing, we were too far away by that time).

I've heard there are more rats in the UK than there are people, but seriously, does this mean I have to encounter them every time I go on a walk down by the river.....Eeeeeuwwww.

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