The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

A squirrel up my sleeve ..

Determined NOT to blip a fifth fox in a row, I took this photo of a squirrel this morning!

The rest of the morning was spent assembling a strange collection of mum's belongings - mainly books and CDs - to send to the Canadian relatives.

For about three weeks I've asked mum to choose some books for them .. but she really can't be given instructions like that. Supervision is needed .. so having chosen the things, I wrapped them, supervised mum writing labels, supervised mum decorating gift bags .. and took them to the Post Office - hoorah! It's done!

Now I have to get stuff to send them from ME! Waaah! Is there no end to it?!

In the afternoon I went for a quick jaunt to Sunk Island. It was blowing an absolute hooley and pouring down, but eventually the rain stopped and I managed to get the fieldfare photo I'd been hoping for ..

As I left I got a few snaps of starlings undercarriages!

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