
By buzzard


I woke after a rubbish night sleep, again still struggling we with gastric problems grrr!!!!! packed up from Walberswick for home. Aside from feeling under the weather, its lovely on the Suffolk coast, so really thankful to the parents for letting me join them for a bit. The three of us always have fun hanging out together.

Got home, fell asleep in the bath, then crashed out again for an hour on the bed.

Late afternoon my brother in law arrived.

As me and Nick had our first date at the St Albans fireworks display we had planned to go, but I've done the sensible thing as not 100% and its blooming windy out...stayed in the warm. Gutted not gone this year but there you go.

The boys will be back soon with their beers and take away, so I will leave them to it to watch some horrible film.

early night needed, if I'm going to be fit for work on Monday.

Today's shot is one of our wedding shots....March....amazing. ...still going strong!!!!

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