Ruby ring

Today's the day ................................ to stay indoors

You really didn't want to go outside today if you could possibly help it.

I had to nip out quickly to the supermarket and while I was there - there was the most incredible lightning and loud rumbles of thunder followed by a torrential downpour. The noise of the rain on the roof was deafening and all the shoppers looked at each other with some trepidation over what they would find when they left the store.

The trepidation was justified too because the car park was white with hailstones - and very slippy. It was all too much for the drains to cope with and there were huge puddles of icy water that you needed welly boots to navigate across. It was dreadful - and it had all happened in a matter of minutes.

So - instead of all that - have a look at the lovely ring that Will gave me for our wedding anniversary. It being the 40th - there's a ruby there obviously - but because we were in Paris on the day, there's also an emerald. The French celebrate their 40th with emeralds, you see.

Will designed it - with a little help from Sheila Fleet of Orkney ............................

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