Stirling Reidos

By StirlingReidos



As most Saturdays start we were up and out early for golf lessons this morning. Actually, my day started a bit earlier than that as I went out for a run...the first in 6 weeks...felt that.

We took Canna with us today. Mr R took him for a wee walk during the Roosters lesson and I did a bit of work twice...managed to delete what I had written just as I finished had to write again:-(

During the Buncle's lesson we all took him for another wee walk...that, as usual, ended up being a rather slow walk with the Rooster and Fangler meandering into the woods. So slow we ended up getting caught in the rain!

Then it was home for about 30 minutes before we headed through to Xscape at Braehead. Buncle's Scout group had organised an outing there. I have never been in Xscape before...'twas a whole new world to me. The Buncle did well for his first time on the slopes. Aunty Gill & Uncle Paul came up too and we had a nice wee catch up with them and dinner at Frankie and Benny's.

Home for Strictly, Atlantis and a wee bit more work for me while we watched the telly...a few things I'd like to tick off this weekend:-)

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