Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Turning the Clock Back

This is my favorite of the two times each year when we change the time.

Turning the clock back and gaining a hour -- hooray! I would vote for doing this once a month.

Today is also Mr. Fun's mom's 91st birthday. This has not been the easiest year for her. She had a flood in her home when a pipe broke back in January and she had to live in the local Marriott Hotel for a month. She thinks she had a mini-stroke a month or so ago, but she will not allow the doctors to test for that. Her doctor recently told her she needs to be living in assisted care; she basically told the doctor she really did like his opinion on the matter.

Mr. Fun has been in touch with her throughout the day. He took her a gift his morning and later today we took her dinner, a mexican meal, because that is what she requested.

Good night from Southern California,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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