What do you wish for?

Like Japan, shrines seem to be a feature of this city and can be found on almost every corner, nestled amongst the 5 * hotels and cosmopolitan sky scrapers. Offerings left at shrines come in all shapes and sizes with food, drinks, flowers, incense sticks and items of clothing being the most popular, but it depends on the purpose of the shrine. Bangkok has a shrine devoted to almost any deity you can think of -- with each specific god and spirit attributed as a guardian over specific human needs and desires.

There is a phallic shrine which is very popular with women wanting to conceive; they leave offerings of jasmine and lotus leaves. If their wish is fulfilled they return and leave a stone or wooden phallus in thanks. Judging from the 100s and 100s that have been left left it would appear the shrine has a VERY good success rate, but it can be rather startling if you're not expecting to see them!

You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it come true. You may have to work for it, however.
Richard Bach

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