Happy Sunday
After a disappointing Friday and depressing Saturday (all hallows. . . without a doubt the most depressing day in the Finnish calendar), I went int the city centre, bought myself some nice new books and settled myself down in some nice cafes. First the Strindberg cafe on Pohjoisesplanadi (love this cafe, very classy, 1930's music, very good and reasonably priced tea; definitely on my recommendations list), then another cafe in the very charming Katajanokka district called Signora (possibly the best coffee in town and a very cute, although very small, cafe; again a definite recommendation). So not all was lost on this weekend.
Unfortunately I did not take pictures of the cafes; the Strindberg feels to classy to just sit and take pictures of the place and Signora has an annoying no photos policy, so you will have to make do with pictures of the books I bought (finally decide to tackle the famous Anna Karenina and then I saw an Oscar Wilde book for only 3euros! You do not know real whit until you have read Oscar Wilde)
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