
Hmm - another Gracie blip!!! But I think that is the main use of the journal right now (until November, when I am sure the new addition to the family will put in an appearance here). Also still trying to get courage up to post a close up of my ever-growing bump, which I am told will produce a boy by all who care to offer an opinion, since it is 'beach ball shaped', measuring large for dates, and the occupant is constantly squirming an kicking. Not sure about all those old wives' tales. I'll just see what I get when it arrives! Actually, I did post a back blip a bit ago of myself complete with bump, but it has expanded somewhat since then...

Grace is getting a bit big for her ride on toys now, but she still enjoys whizzing around on them whenever possible!

(Also posted a photo yesterday of a cream crackered Gracie Pie)

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