Nana's new allotment

Mum was handed the key to her new allotment this week, so we took a drive over to see it today. It needs shed loads of TLC.

The boys made a good start (for 5 mins) but I'm thinking she might need one of those rotivator things and tonnes of black cloth stuff to cover it over the winter.

It has to be the most well-appointed allotment going. The Campsies on one side and woodland and horses on the other. Quite idyllic really. I'm dead chuffed for her. She's wanted a garden for years. I might trade her the work of my boys for the veg she produces. She's already found some wonky old carrots and a turnip just from having a dig about.

In other news - youngest appears to be undertaking tasks with the aid of a diving mask today. He did his homework wearing it and is now watching Disney's Fox & Hound wearing it. Kids are odd, I find.

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