
By weemusings

Visiting hours

After work I drove straight to the hospital to visit my sister as they have decided to keep her in another night. Although it wasn't technically visiting hours yet I managed to get buzzed onto the ward.

My mum and I then left the ward after a wee while to get some dinner from the hospital canteen. We had trouble getting back onto the ward and were told "it's not visiting hours until 7pm"! Was 6:45pm at this point but whatever nurse it was relented and let us through, the fact that my mum had been there all day already didn't seem to have mattered.
I could understand if my sister was on one of the 6 bedded bays but she is lucky that she has a room to herself so it's not like we were distrubing other patients.

Took this picture above on the way down to her ward.

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