Leamington Sunset
This sunset needed a bit of boosting to come out properly, the sun was just disappearing behind the houses and Shane and me literally ran out the car to catch it!
The best morning really. Couple people had crashed in the house, including fresher Matt on my couch. We assessed he was clearly in need of a change of clothes. Then it was time for me to visit and wake up pretty much everyone in both our flats and unite Shane, Anu and Ali in my room to enjoy Eve’s awesome pancakes.
Then, it was off to campus with Shane to photograph some more naked people, as you do on a casual Saturday. CMD went first, which took a while but went well. American football followed, where Kay, Shane and me got quite some entertainment from the dudes. Probably the funniest shoot we’ve done by far! Finally, we had volleyball, which was annoyingly complicated but could well end up being one of the best photos. We hit the road after back to Leam. Not much else happened, except for more reminiscing, and witnessing Mahfood fall over backwards off the faulty chair in my room, good fun!
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