It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco

If You Go Down To The Woods Today......


Make sure you keep an eye out for two giggly lost girls!

I'm not kidding...we got lost..... in the pitch black..... in a wood!
Yes my blip friends and adventure followers...Paula and I did it again.
Remember Bull Gate?? This is Wood Gate as they say in the news ;-)

We decided to go to Oakly woods and look for some more shrooms....We walked further in than we realised and after finding some shrooms we got down n dirty again to photograph them know what I'm talking about.

After taking ages (Me that is ) we went a bit further in...before deciding to make our way back to the car...
It was getting very dark very the iphones came with compasses at the ready....found our way back to the main path....and ended up getting to the roadside ...completely pointing the wrong way???

So back tracked to the main path and finding the fence...but no gateway??? Oh BLEEP...we are lost. This was turning into Blair Witch!

Not finding the gate...we doubled back to the road and had to walk quite a considerable distance back to the car in the blackness and on a main road!!!
I had a reflective jacket on but Paula was well camouflaged in green!!
On the road we saw a truck pulled up.....obviously taking his nap......Skooted passed that rather sharpishly if you get my drift... and AT LAST we saw the car park!

So notes to selves....don't go blip hunting in woods in the bloomin dark!! lol
Laughing now but we were pretty uptight at the time!
I've never been so relieved to see my car I can tell ya.

Check out Paulas blip

Anyway ....details details
This pic is 27 stacked images at a large F no. and about 1 second exposure each shot. All manual settings.
Yes Mr G I have the base in this time ;-)

The Lost Dragon xx

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