
Another lovely morning as I took Juno for her morning walk. The views from Blackford Hill to the east were pretty good with the rising sun.

The aftermath of the fireworks ment the hill was covered in bottle and cans which once contained alcohol. I was picking up what I could when I found a mobile phone. It was still on and had a photo of 3 teenagers on it. I thought I will take this back home and get eco mum to phone one of the numbers. I thought this would be better than me. Anyway it rang with 'Home calling', I answered and was chatting to this teenage girl, I said 'I have found you phone and I am currently walking my dog' After a bit of 'how can I get my phone back?' I asked her what school, it was a local high school so I told her I would get it to reception for her.

Called on a neighbour and got his daughter to take it to reception, a good deed done.

On a course which is interesting and the time flew past. Managed to nip out at a tea break and pick sloes and I made sloe gin and damson gin this evening.

Delivery of empty jars from the school tonight to fill with jam which I will sell for school funds.

Just made Viccy Plum jam and stored al the apples we foraged tonight, I think it is a Bramley that has just been left. Lots of stewing of apples tomorrow.

The eco family were playing with the camera tonight, no idea who took this or how they managed but it is intriguing.

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