
This scene was repeated up and down the beach this morning. The boy in his birthday suit was having such fun jumping the waves but his sister was sorely handicapped and eventually retired to shore in tears when a wave caught her skirt and swept her over. The boy in the thick material suit paddled until he too was swept over and got a huge cuff from his mother when he cried. Another little girl of 2 or so was being dragged around by her arm by her father as if she was a doll. Eventually he got tired of her and she tottered around feeling the sand between her toes and then leaned down and grabbed a handful. She was almost knocked over by her mother's swipe at her hand. On a lighter note, a little further up the beach a group of women in full clothing were thoroughly enjoying themselves in the sea and I have tried to put pictures of them laughing as they picked up one who was knocked over in my blipfolio but the wi-fi connection is so poor I don't think it will be possible. For the same reason and for lack of air time please forgive no commenting but I really do appreciate yours

P.S. Tried from a different site so here are the bathing ladies

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