Not Porty People and Places

Another port. Another Continent. This time Kusadasi in Turkey and a short drive to the ancient city of Ephesus, founded 3000 years ago. The magic of its Greco-Roman architecture was a real treat. The weather, once again, was clear sunny and very warm. (We have been very lucky to have enjoyed temperatures in the mid twenties all week.) The city of Ephesus was extremely busy due to three super liners in port with us, including Cunard's Queen Elizabeth. ( The first time I saw this 92000 ton liner was in August from the pier at Port Seton!) My blip shows an intrepid visitor who had climbed to the top of this arch to pose for his girl. He was chastised by a tour guide and climbed down safely. An elderly German tourist, last year, had been less lucky when losing his footing on the ancient marble in the theatre and tragically plunged to his death. We are now at sea bound for our final day in Athens.

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