Plus ça change...

By SooB

Drawing lots

A cooler day. Mr B took Uncle A and TallGirl off for a walk, while I got on with the Sunday lunch. Then a feast of eating - there being too much food even though I left the pumpkin in the pan by mistake - followed by much washing up (I already miss my dishwasher) and some telly watching.

While I was briefly out of the room, a drawing competition was devised - I'm sure those blippers and lurkers who know Uncle A will easily guess which drawings are his. And there's a prize for anyone who can guess the identity of the creature illustrated in biro (mine).*

Mr B and Uncle A headed off to the airport at 8, the kids went to bed and I pretty much collapsed back into poorliness (and bed). Though it was good that I could have a break from being poorly for our visitor!

*we have a winner by text! Tapir. Now I'd best think of a prize...

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