
By parlick

Dappled light.

We needed to go up to the south Lakes today and thought we would combine it with a walk. Liz has a couple of books describing walks to Lakeland Tarns. Some of these you pass on the way up to major mountains while others are hidden away in the quiet backwaters if you can believe it of the Lake District.
Not only was the tarn hidden away but you get to use ancient trackways like this one, long forgotten except by the local mountain bikers judging by the tyre marks on the track. I love the mountains but I could spend a lot of time in places like these pondering about its history and looking for clues of its past. If you don't understand what I'm talking about settle down one winters night with a book by John Muir or Robert McMacfarlane and then go out and find somewhere close to you and see if it's changed your perception of the great outdoors.

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