Nothing Like Hood's November
No sun - no moon!
No morn - no noon -
No dawn - no dusk - no proper time of day.
Not a bit of it! As I crossed town around noon I just had to stop and photograph the spire of the church of Our Lady Of Fatima. It is not the first time I have been inspired. ;) My last photo made Telegraph Pics.
The church was designed by Gerard Goalen and built in 1960. It is brutally Modernist. For me it's all about the copper-clad, plywood, needle-spire, which was installed by helicopter. On sunny days like today the verdigris spike seems to pierce the heavens. So simple, yet so symbolic. I can understand why the Chemical Brothers chose this church for the cover of their 1998 album, 'Brothers Gonna Work It Out.'
After lunch I visited Fishers Green. Note to self: Don't leave togging gear in the boot of the car whilst lunching on cold days. Couldn't shoot with my long lens owing to condensation. :(
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