Time flies

It seems like a matter of weeks since I was up on Ranmore Common blipping bluebells, but today, when I came that way home from yet another visit to Denbies Vineyard, although it was sunny it was very wet underfoot after heavy overnight rain. Autumn has definitely arrived.
Normous has been looking forward to today for a long while as it was to be an important day in his golfing calendar. He was involved in intricate arrangements and emails were going to and fro until every angle had been covered. Except, that is, for a waterlogged golf course! People came from all over the southeast to find the course closed. They enjoyed bacon sandwiches and bucks fizz then made their way home again. It was really galling that it was a beautiful day and they were confined to the clubhouse! The event has been rescheduled for early December, so fingers crossed.

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