A MIMent In Time

By justmim

Week 6.

Lever arch file 2!

Monday is my self-imposed long day. Being the start of the week means I generally have enough energy to at least do an extra hour. The pay off being that I can be a bit more flexible for the rest of the week, particularly on a Friday when I like to finish early for Rainbows and rarely have the momentum to keep going productively.

So yes. A longer day hour-wise but generally doesn't feel long. Particularly today as I journeyed in with familiar faces, had the fun of seeing those same faces again later in the day and had a lunch time catch-up with Becky. A much needed and unexpected catch-up it was!

Oh and having my weekly informal meeting with my second supervisor over a slice of cake topped it off just nicely!

Back to my flat to cosy up, sort a few things and await the arrival of my grocery shop order. However, having felt quite guilty when the delivery man arrived at my second floor clearly out of breath I think I might just stick to doing it myself in the future!

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