On Honeymoon!

I know it's not really conventional to be posting on blip during one's honeymoon but thought I'd make an exception to say hello, thank you all so much for your good wishes and give you a link to some wedding pictures!

After an absolutely amazing wedding day on Saturday, so full of love and laughter, we spent yesterday saying goodbye to family and then packing for our honeymoon. Today we travelled to London on the train (having treated ourselves to first class tickets) and tomorrow we head to the O2 arena to watch a full day of tennis at the ATP world finals. We're there again on Wednesday then on Thursday head to Paris for 5 days.

I have continued to blip since finishing my 365 but haven't yet had time to upload or to comment on any of your journals. I will catch up with you all on our return. Many of you were kindly asking to see some wedding shots and our photographer posted some shots to their facebook page. The torrential showers meant that we had to come up with a plan B for the photos and in the end we didn't get many outdoor shots. Here's the link. Look forward to catching up in a couple of weeks!

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