
By beachgecko

My Yellow Fat Gecko

Ahhhh. Alright, she's not fat, but she's chunky. Which is perfect for pre-breeding season. I'm glad she's going into cooling season at such a good chunk. I wish that my male Matcha were ready for this sexy little beast, but he's still floating around 25 grams, which is about 15 grams smaller than I want him to be before I pair him with my yellow Brindie girl here. If he magically gets to that weight by February, WHO KNOWS, but I highly doubt that--as I'd have to do some serious cricket-feeding which really isn't good for their growth.

Easy-going day. Roach night, so I'm sorting creepy crawlies. Not exactly my favorite chore, but it has to be done! I take breaks by chatting on Facebook and--well mostly procrastinating. Back to it!

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