
By Raestelle


...Following on from my yesterday's blip where I was telling you about the local Arts theatre and what was displayed there right now, and what will be held there in their recently completed theatre this week..

...I didn't think we would have had a chance to secure a couple of tickets to the show I was telling you about - which has a most popular 19 year old Australian singer performing on Thursday..Harrison Craig..

...You may not have heard of him just now, but indeed, in the future maybe you will..

...And yes, upon enquiring today - there have been some last minute seats released, and so - we have two seats down the front somewhere in the middle..

...John said he'll have to get out his best bib and tucker outfit and I shall dig deep into the wardrobe...but no one will be looking at us - for sure...

...I'll let you know about it on Friday...

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