The Perfect Woman?

I flew to Wellington and back again today and had some classic Pixelsmith plane blips, but I keep coming back to this billboard at the airport.

How classic, and yes, it's true! There is a perfect woman competition, but can there really be a perfect woman? We'll leave that to the judges to decide. No comment from this male ;-)

Yes, you'd need to:
* Change a tyre on Truck
* Back a Trailer loaded with hay bales
* Fit a chain on a chainsaw and chop kindling
* Jet Boat Sprinting
* Helicopter Hovering
* Open a bottle of Speight's without a bottle opener
* Plant a tree with a digger

"Maaaaate, it's hard road finding the perfect woman". I think that's the Speight's beer (a sponsor) tag line ;-)

The day in Wellington went well. No perfect women up there tho I suspect ;-)

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