
By cowgirl

The Tide Is High ...

... Well, ok, maybe not the tide in our local stream, but the water level has risen dramatically with the recent rains we've been having ( were having as I took this shot! ) lately.

Had to coax Fossey out today, but once in the fresh, but rather wet, air, she was fine. This was absolutely her favourite bit of the walk though, swimming up and down in the freezing cold water, ' rescuing ' sticks.

We were out for over an hour and I needed a wee myself when we got back to her house. I'm not sure why, but Fossey seemed to think this meant I was staying with her and got really excited. Well, I couldn't just walk out and leave her could I? So I made a coffee and sat at the kitchen table whilst she settled on her bed beside me.

Half an hour later she had moved to the doormat by the front door, curled up in as tiny a ball as she could ( well, it's not really a Labrador sized mat ) and I left her there to sleep off the excitement of the morning. Why she doesn't stay on her comfy bed I don't know, but this is her routine.

I'll be back with her in half an hour for round two, whilst Sav is in the kitchen making cottage pie for tea, sorry dinner! Whatever it's called, I can't wait for it to be time to eat!

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