3 years!!

This isn't my best picture by any stretch of the imagination, but it is a part of my day when i took a walk out across the village green into the neighbouring field to grab some fresh air before a night shift.
The last 3 years have been one hell of a journey and i have lots of fantastic memories documented through blip.
I have been on 3 amazing trips abroad, all solo...
1. Antarctica which was breathtaking and literally out of this world,
2. Kenya, Uganda and Rwanda where i was priviledged to see the mountain gorillas, and
3. Walking the Amalfi coast. which was truly beautiful.
Staying closer to home i recently returned from the north west coast of Scotland where i took some of my favourite pictures starting here. What a stunning part of the world and i'll definitely be returning.
I have enriched my life hugely with the addition of my 2 little feline companions Rosie and Stanley and then a couple of months ago finally moved house after a rather long wait!
My social life was waning somewhat at one point, but after joining Spice, an adventure, social and leisure group, i have to say that now it has never been better. I never thought i'd be spending a Saturday night dressed like this!!!
Thankyou to anyone who has stopped by and left comments and stars over the years, it means a lot and i still get a buzz that anyone cares to look in. I'm not sure if i'll continue on a daily basis, i'll see how it goes, but i don't think i can give up completely. Blip kind of gets under your skin!! :-D xxx

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