
Hi Tom

I haven't really been out today apart from work. I needed to unpack and get washing on etc. I've just looked around the kitchen and the dogs are snoring cuddled up as usual and Bo has decided to fall asleep on my costume on the table. I wish I could be snoozing as well.

I'm having trouble with my iPad at the moment and really think I need a new one. I can't get the time off of Dubai time. My alarm for swimming this morning was set at 5.30 and it went off at 1.30. I thought it was 5.30 and was waiting for my phone alarm to go off. I need two alarms just incase. Well while I was waiting for it I had started to wake myself up. I laid for quite a while then I checked the phone to see if the alarm wasn't working to find out the time was only 2.00. Then I couldn't sleep.... But I could right now....I'm so tired. Wish I was a cat or dog who can sleep wherever, whenever.

I did go swimming this morning and it was back to feeling a bit unfit again. I'm glad I went though. I swim twice a week and really think I need to up it a bit. I've been speaking to my old coach and he will send me some sessions to do and I've still got my master class to have with him. I'm looking forward to that. Shame he lives so far away as I think I could do with a few master classes.

I've only got my Zumba tonight and that's an early session so I can get myself off to bed early.....I need it.

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