It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco


You lot wont forget this will ya! A mug shot of the Dragon.
I was hoping for some fireworks tonight but hey ho we missed them. No glorious skies tonight either so desperation set in!

Its not easy trying to get yourself and keep it in focus.
This is grainy for high ISO reasons. I'm going to put this on as my profile pic I think. Although I did an arty version!
Here's the ARTY one!

5th Nov is the day 3 years ago we laid my dear brother to rest at the foot of Ben Nevis.
I know you are resting in peace my darling but this mug shot of me will make you laugh ;-)

Many thanks for getting "Splendiferous Sunset" to the spotlight yesterday.
And Congrats to Rockarea for getting Calmet Photo Of The Week! It was a fab photo ;-)
TTFN dear blip friends
Draco The Dragon xx

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